Blog — Recipe of the Week

Chicken Cacciatore!
Organic Chicken Recipe of the Week Shop Online
You Will Need: 1/4 Cup duck fat or ghee* One onion Finely chopped Crushed Garlic 150mls dry white wine organic* Canned whole peeled tomatoes* Chicken Stock* Bay leaf Chopped parsley and Rosemary 1 1/2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar* 1.8kg Chicken Chops or pieces* * denotes all ingredients available on our online shop Method: Preheat the oven. In a large casserole dish heat the duck fat or ghee, Sauté Onion for about 7 minutes then add the garlic. Remove from Heat. Brown the chicken turning once (three minutes each side). Deglaze with wine, then add tomatoes and all the herbs. Cover and...